Absorption Chillers

From single effect type chillers, to direct fired absorption chillers

Alongside conventional chilled water systems, we also offer servicing and troubleshooting on a range of absorption chillers.

From single effect type chillers , to direct fired absorption chillers we offer support and expertise that these machines demand.

Rather then generating cooling from the vapour compression cycle, absorption chillers work slightly different. By utilising waste heat from industrial processes, such as CHP engines, it is this energy that drives the absorption cycle. Whilst subsequently providing cooling for both process and air conditioning applications.

Absorption chillers are an increasingly popular choice for our commercial clients, due to their strong performance and performance and low running costs. In the long term, absorption chillers more than pay for themselves through their superior performance.

Interested in getting an estimate? get in touch today to find out more.

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Our Clients

Our engineers are fully qualified and up to date with recent legislation including F-Gas and the relevant health and safety requirements.

Marc RigbyDirector
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Looking for absorption chiller
installation, maintenance or servicing?

Whether you are looking for maintenance or servicing for a pre-existing absorption chiller or looking for an entirely new absorption chiller, Emtec Climate Solutions can help find the perfect solution for you. Simply get in touch using the button below to learn more about our absorption chillers.

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